
美国金融史上的100个著名人物100 Minds that made the market 下载 mobi lrf 网盘 pdf snb kindle 115盘



美国金融史上的100个著名人物100 Minds that made the market书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470139516
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:暂无出版时间
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:148.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Introducing the new Fisher Investment Series, comprised of engaging and informative titles written by renowned money manager and bestselling author Ken Fisher. This series offers essential insights into the worlds of investing and finance.

Over the course of nearly two centuries, the innovations, mistakes, and scandals of different market participants have played an important role in shaping today's financial markets. Now, in 100 Minds That Made the Market, Ken Fisher delivers cameo biographies of these pioneers of American financial history. From Joe Kennedy's "sexcapades" to Jesse Livermore's suicide, this book details the drama, the dirt, and the financial principles of an amazingly inventive group of financial minds. Fisher digs deep to uncover the careers, personal lives, and contributions of these individuals, and leads you through the lessons that can be learned from each one. Here you have 100 of the best teachers -- some you already know, some you will feel you know, and some you may not have previously discovered -- whose experiences will undoubtedly enhance your understanding of the markets.

With a few pages dedicated to each person, 100 Minds That Made the Market quickly captures the essence of the people and ideas that have influenced the evolution of the financial industry.






CHAPTER ONE: The Dinosaurs

MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD: Out of the Ghetto and into the Limelight

NATHAN ROTHSCHILD: When Cash Became King—and Credit Became Prime Minister

STEPHEN GIRARD: The First Richest Man in America Financed Privateers

JOHN JACOB ASTOR: A One-Man Conglomeration


GEORGE PEABODY: A Finder of Financing and Financiers

JUNIUS SPENCER MORGAN: The Last of the Modern Manipulators

DANIEL DREW: Much "To Drew" About Nothing

JAY COOKE: Stick To Your Knitting

CHAPTER TWO: Journalists and Authors

CHARLES DOW: His Last Name Says It All

EDWARD JONES: You Can’t Separate Rodgers and Hammerstein

THOMAS W LAWSON: "Stock Exchange Gambling is the Hell of it All "

BC FORBES: He Made Financial Reporting Human

EDWIN LEFEVRE: You Couldn’t Separate His Facts from His Fiction

CLARENCE W BARRON: A Heavyweight Journalist

BENJAMIN GRAHAM: The Father of Security Analysis

ARNOLD BERNHARD: The Elegance of Overview on a Single Page

LOUIS ENGEL: One Mind that Helped Make Millions More

CHAPTER THREE: Investment Bankers and Brokers

AUGUST BELMONT: He Represented Europe’s Financial Stake in America

EMANUEL LEHMAN AND HIS SON PHILIP: Role Models For So Many Wall Street Firms

JOHN PIERPONT MORGAN: History’s Most Powerful Financier

JACOB H SCHIFF: The Other Side of the Street

GEORGE W PERKINS: He Left the Comfy House of Morgan to Ride a Bull Moose

JOHN PIERPONT "JACK" MORGAN, JR: No One Ever Had Bigger Shoes to Fill

THOMAS LAMONT: The Beacon for a Whole Generation

CLARENCE D DILLON: He Challenged Tradition and Symbolized the Changing World

CHARLES E MERRILL: The Thundering Herd Runs Amok in the Aisles of the Stock Market’s upermarket

GERALD M LOEB: The Father of Froth—He Knew the Lingo, Not the Logic

SIDNEY WEINBERG: The Role Model for Modern Investment Bankers

CHAPTER FOUR: The Innovators

ELIAS JACKSON "LUCKY" BALDWIN: When You’re Lucky, You Can Go Your Own Way

CHARLES T YERKES: He Turned Politics into Monopolistic Power

THOMAS FORTUNE RYAN: America’s First Holding Company

RUSSELL SAGE: A Sage for all Seasons

ROGER W BABSON: Innovative Statistician and Newsletter Writer

T ROWE PRICE: Widely Known as the Father of Growth Stocks

FLOYD B ODLUM: The Original Modern Corporate Raider

PAUL CABOT: The Father of Modern Investment Management

GEORGES DORIOT: The Father of Venture Capital

ROYAL LITTLE: The Father of Conglomerates

CHAPTER FIVE: Bankers and Central Bankers

JOHN LAW: The Father of Central Banking Wasn’t Very Fatherly

ALEXANDER HAMILTON: The Godfather of American Finance

NICHOLAS BIDDLE: A Civilized Man Could Not Beat a Buccaneer

JAMES STILLMAN: Psychic Heads America’s Largest Bank

FRANK A VANDERLIP: A Role Model for Any Wall StreetWanna-Be

GEORGE F BAKER: Looking Before Leaping Pays Off

AMADEO P GIANNINI: Taking the Pulse of Wall Street Out of New York

PAUL M WARBURG: Founder and Critic of Modern American Central Banking

BENJAMIN STRONG: Had Strong Been Strong the Economy Might Have Been, Too

GEORGE L HARRISON: No, This Isn’t the Guy From the Beatles

NATALIE SCHENK LAIMBEER: Wall Street’s First Notable Female Professional

CHARLES E MITCHELL: The Piston of the Engine that Drove the Roaring 20s

ELISHA WALKER: America’s Greatest Bank Heist—Almost

ALBERT H WIGGIN: Into the Cookie Jar

CHAPTER SIX: New Deal Reformers

EHH SIMMONS: One of the Seeds of Too Much Government

WINTHROP W ALDRICH: A Blue Blood Who Saw Red

JOSEPH P KENNEDY: Founding Chairman of the SEC

JAMES M LANDIS: The Cop Who Ended Up in Jail

WILLIAM O DOUGLAS: The Supreme Court Judge on Wall Street?

CHAPTER SEVEN: Crooks, Scandals, and Scalawags

CHARLES PONZI: The Ponzi Scheme

SAMUEL INSULL: He "Insullted" Wall Street and Paid the Price

IVAR KREUGER: He Played With Matches and Got Burned

RICHARD WHITNEY: Wall Street’s Juiciest Scandal

MICHAEL J MEEHAN: The First Guy Nailed by the SEC

LOWELL M BIRRELL: The Last of the Great Modern Manipulators

WALTER F TELLIER: The King of the Penny Stock Swindles

JERRY AND GERALD RE: A Few Bad Apples Can Ruin the Whole Barrel

CHAPTER EIGHT: Technicians, Economists, and Other Costly Experts

WILLIAM P HAMILTON: The First Practitioner of Technical Analysis

EVANGELINE ADAMS: ByWatching the Heavens She Became a Star

ROBERT RHEA: He Transformed Theory into Practice

IRVING FISHER: The World’s Greatest Economist of the 1920s, or Why You Shouldn’t Listen to conomists—Particularly Great Ones

WILLIAM D GANN: Starry-Eyed Traders"Gann" an Angle Via Offbeat Guru

WESLEY CLAIR MITCHELL: Wall Street’s Father of Meaningful Data

JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES: The Exception Proves the Rule I

RN ELLIOTT: Holy Grail or Quack?

EDSON GOULD: The Exception Proves the Rule II

JOHN MAGEE: Off the Top of the Charts

CHAPTER NINE: Successful Speculators, Wheeler-Dealers, and Operators

JAY GOULD: Blood Drawn and Blood Spit—Gould or Ghoul-ed?

"DIAMOND" JIM BRADY: Lady Luck Was on His Side—Sometimes

WILLIAM H VANDERBILT: He Proved His Father Wrong

JOHN W GATES:What Can You Say About a Man Nicknamed "Bet-a-Million"?

EDWARD HARRIMAN: Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick

JAMES J HILL: When Opportunity Knocks

JAMES R KEENE: Not Good Enough for Gould, But Too Keen for Anyone Else

HENRY H ROGERS: Wall Street’s Bluebeard: "Hoist the Jolly Roger!"

FISHER BROTHERS: Motortown Moguls

JOHN J RASKOB: Pioneer of Consumer Finance

ARTHUR W CUTTEN: Bully the Price, Then Cut’n Run

BERNARD E "SELL ’EM BEN" SMITH: The Rich Chameleon

BERNARD BARUCH: HeWon and Lost, But Knew When to Quit

CHAPTER TEN: Unsuccessful Speculators, Wheeler-Dealers, and Operators

JACOB LITTLE: The First to Do so Much

JAMES FISK: If You Knew Josie Like He Knew Josie, You’d Be Dead Too!

WILLIAM CRAPO DURANT: Half Visionary Builder, Half Wild Gambler

F AUGUSTUS HEINZE: Burned by Burning the Candle at Both Ends

CHARLES W MORSE: Slick and Cold as Ice, Everything He Touched Melted

ORIS P AND MANTIS J VAN SWEARINGEN: He Who Lives by Leverage, Dies by Leverage

JESSE L LIVERMORE: The Boy Plunger and Failed Man

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Miscellaneous, But Not Extraneous

HETTY GREEN: TheWitch’s Brew, or It’s Not Easy Being Green

PATRICK BOLOGNA: The Easy Money—Isn’t

ROBERT R YOUNG: And It’s Never Been the Same Since

CYRUS S EATON: Quiet, Flexible, and Rich











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作者简介:Ken Fisher is best known for his prestigious "Portfolio Strategy" column in Forbes magazine, where his twenty-three-year tenure of high-profile calls makes him the fourth longest-running columnist in Forbes' ninety-year history. Ken is the founder, Chairman, and CEO of Fisher Investments, a multi-product money management firm with over $40 billion under management. His success has ranked him #297 on the 2006 Forbes 400 list of richest Americans. He is a regular in the media and has appeared in most major American finance or business periodicals. Fisher also recently authored the New York Times bestseller The Only Three Questions That Count, also published by Wiley.



































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