
Moonwalking with Einstein 和爱因斯坦到月球散步 ISBN9781594202292书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9781594202292
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2011-03
- 页数:320
- 价格:126.00
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:精装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
Foer's unlikely journey from chronically forgetful
science journalist to U.S. Memory Champion frames a revelatory
exploration of the vast, hidden impact of memory on every aspect of
our lives.
On average, people squander forty days annually
compensating for things they've forgotten.
Foer used to be
one of those people. But after a year of memory training, he found
himself in the finals of the U.S. Memory Championship. Even more
important, Foer found a vital truth we too often forget: In every
way that matters, we are the sum of our memories.
Moonwalking with Einstein draws on cutting-edge research, a
surprising cultural history of memory, and venerable tricks of the
mentalist's trade to transform our understanding of human
remembering. Under the tutelage of top "mental athletes," he learns
ancient techniques once employed by Cicero to memorize his speeches
and by Medieval scholars to memorize entire books. Using methods
that have been largely forgotten, Foer discovers that we can all
dramatically improve our memories.
Immersing himself obsessively in a quirky subculture of competitive
memorizers, Foer learns to apply techniques that call on
imagination as much as determination-showing that memorization can
be anything but rote. From the PAO system, which converts numbers
into lurid images, to the memory palace, in which memories are
stored in the rooms of imaginary structures, Foer's experience
shows that the World Memory Championships are less a test of memory
than of perseverance and creativity.
Foer takes his inquiry well beyond the arena of mental
athletes-across the country and deep into his own mind. In San
Diego, he meets an affable old man with one of the most severe case
of amnesia on record, where he learns that memory is at once more
elusive and more reliable than we might think. In Salt Lake City,
he swaps secrets with a savant who claims to have memorized more
than nine thousand books. At a high school in the South Bronx, he
finds a history teacher using twenty- five-hundred-year-old memory
techniques to give his students an edge in the state Regents
At a time when electronic devices have all but rendered our
individual memories obsolete, Foer's bid to resurrect the forgotten
art of remembering becomes an urgent quest. Moonwalking with
Einstein brings
Foer to the apex of the U.S. Memory
Championship and readers to a profound appreciation of a gift we
all possess but that too often slips our minds.
One The Smartest Man is Hard to Find 3
Two The Man Who Remembered Too Much
Three The Expert Expert 49
Four The Most Forgetful Man in the World 69
Five The Memory Palace 89
Eight The Ok Plateau 163
Nine The Talented Tenth 187
Ten The Little Rain Man in All Of US 211
Eleven The USA Memory Championship 237
Epilogue 259
Acknowledgments 273
Notes 275
Bibliography 289
Index 299
Foer has written for National
Geographic, Esquire, The New York Times, The Washington Post,
and Slate.
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"Monotony collapses time; novelty unfolds it. You can exercise daily and eat healthily and live a long life, while experiencing a short one. If you spend your life sitting in a cubicle and passing the papers, one day is bound to blend unmemorablely into the next -- and disappear. That's why it's important to change routines regularly, and take vacations to exotic locales. and have as many new experiences as possible that can serve to anchor our memories. Creating new memories stretches out psychological time, and lengthens our perception of our lives." - p.77
"The general idea with most memory techniques is to change whatever boring thing is being inputted into your memory into something that is so colorful, so exciting , and so different from anything you've seen before that you can't pos...
Foer's unlikely journey from chronically forgetful science
journalist to U.S.Memory Champion frames a revelatory exploration
of the vast, hidden impact ofmemory on every aspect of our
Foer's unlikely journey from chronically forgetful science journalist to U.S. Memory Champion frames a revelatory exploration of the vast, hidden impact of memory on every aspect of our lives.
On average, people squander forty days annually compensating for things they've forgotten. Joshua Foer used to be one of those people. But after a year of memory training, he found himself in the finals of the U.S. Memory Championship. Even more important, Foer found a vital truth we too often forget: In every way that matters, we are the sum of our memories.
Moonwalking with Einstein draws on cutting-edge research, a surprising cultural history of memory, and venerable tricks of the mentalist's trade to transform our understanding of human remembering. Under the tutelage of top "mental athletes," he learns ancient techniques once employed by Cicero to memorize his speeches and by Medieval scholars to memorize entire books. Using methods that have been largely forgotten, Foer discovers that we can all dramatically improve our memories.
Immersing himself obsessively in a quirky subculture of competitive memorizers, Foer learns to apply techniques that call on imagination as much as determination-showing that memorization can be anything but rote. From the PAO system, which converts numbers into lurid images, to the memory palace, in which memories are stored in the rooms of imaginary structures, Foer's experience shows that the World Memory Championships are less a test of memory than of perseverance and creativity.
Foer takes his inquiry well beyond the arena of mental athletes-across the country and deep into his own mind. In San Diego, he meets an affable old man with one of the most severe case of amnesia on record, where he learns that memory is at once more elusive and more reliable than we might think. In Salt Lake City, he swaps secrets with a savant who claims to have memorized more than nine thousand books. At a high school in the South Bronx, he finds a history teacher using twenty- five-hundred-year-old memory techniques to give his students an edge in the state Regents exam.
At a time when electronic devices have all but rendered our individual memories obsolete, Foer's bid to resurrect the forgotten art of remembering becomes an urgent quest. Moonwalking with Einstein brings Joshua Foer to the apex of the U.S. Memory Championship and readers to a profound appreciation of a gift we all possess but that too often slips our minds.
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