
MCPD自步培训教程:Microsoft .NET Framework Windows Developer 基本要求(1-CD;1-DVD-Eval) 下载 mobi lrf 网盘 pdf snb kindle 115盘



MCPD自步培训教程:Microsoft .NET Framework Windows Developer 基本要求(1-CD;1-DVD-Eval)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780735625013
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-06
  • 页数:2592
  • 价格:1272.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:盒装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Get in-depth training and practice with the skills measured bythe core exams for Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD):Windows Developer certification--all in one box! Covering exams 70-536,70-526, and 70-548, these three training kits include exam prep andpractice tests to help you maximize your performance. You get officialMicrosoft study guides, plus practice tests on CD to help you assess yourskills. They come packed with the tools and features that exam candidateswant most--including in-depth, self-paced training based on final examcontent; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert,exam-certified authors; and customizable testing options. They also providelabs and exercises for skills and expertise you can apply to the job. Work at your own pace through the lessons and hands-on exercises. Focusingon designing and developing Windows client applications, these officialstudy guides cover topics such as Microsoft .NET Framework fundamentals;creating, configuring, deploying, and supporting applications; creating aUI for a Windows Forms application; developing Windows Forms controls;threading, instrumentation, and reflection; setting up and managingconnections to databases; authentication, authorization, and user security;and, testing and stabilizing the application. Then assess yourself by using more than 900 practice and review questionson the CD, featuring multiple, customizable testing options to meet yourspecific needs. Choose timed or untimed testing mode, generate randomtests, or focus on discrete objectives or chapters. You get detailedexplanations for right and wrong answers--including pointers back to thebook for further study. You also get a 90-day evaluation version ofMicrosoft Visual Studio- 2005 Professional Edition and an exam discountvoucher--making this kit an exceptional value and a great careerinvestment.


NET FRAMEWORK2.0Application Development Foundation


Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Using the CD and DVD

How to Install the Practice Tests

How to Use the Practice Tests

How to Uninstall the Practice Tests

Microsoft Certified Professional Program.

Technical Support

Evaluation Edition Software Support

1 Framework Fundamentals

Before You Begin

Lesson 1: Using Value Types

Built-in Value Types

How to Declare Value Types

How to Create User-Defined Types

How to Create Enumerations

Lab: Declaring and Using Value Types

Lesson Summary

Lesson Review

Lesson 2: Using Common Reference Types

What Is a Reference Type?

Comparing the Behavior of Reference and Value Types

Built-in Reference Types

Strings and String Builders

How to Create and Sort Arrays

How to Use Streams

How to Throw and Catch Exceptions

Lab: Working with Reference Types

Lesson Summary

Lesson Review

Lesson 3: Constructing Classes

What Is Inheritance?

What Is an Interface?

What Are Partial Classes?

What Are Generics?


What Are Attributes?

What Is Type Forwarding?

Lab: Create a Derived Class with Delegates

Lesson Summary

Lesson Review

Lesson 4: Converting Between Types

Conversion in Visual Basic and C#

What Is Boxing and Unboxing?

How to Implement Conversion in Custom Types

Lab: Safely Performing Conversions

Lesson Summary

Lesson Review

Chapter Review

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Case Scenario

Case Scenario: Designing an Application

Suggested Practices

Manage Data in a .NET Framework Application

by Using .NET Framework 2.0 System Types

Implement .NET Framework Interfaces to Cause Components

to Comply with Standard Contracts

Control Interactions Between .NET Framework Application

Components by Using Events and Delegates

Take a Practice Test

2 Input/Output (I/O)

Before You Begin

Lesson 1: Navigating the File System

What Are the File System Classes?

The Fi/eSystem/nfo Class

The Fi/e/nfo Class

How to Get Information about a File

How to Copy a File


3 Searching, Modifying, and Encoding Text

4 Collections and Generics

5 Serialization

6 Graphics

7 Threading

8 Application Domains and Services

9 Installing and Configuring Applications.

10 Instrumentation

11 Application Security

12 User and Data Security

13 Interoperation

14 Reflection

15 Mail

16 Globalization

Practice Tests eBooks Trial software

Deisgning and Developing Windows Based Applications Using the NET FRAMEWORk

NET FRAMEWORK2.0 Windows-Based Client Development








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作者简介:Tony Northrup,In the mid 1980s, Tony Northrup, CISSP, MCSE, and MVP,learned to program in BASIC on a ZX-81 personal computer

built from a kit. Later, he mastered the 68000 assembly and ANSI C on the Motorola VERSAdos operating system before beginning to write code for MS-DOS. After a brief time with the NEXTSTEP operating system, Tony returned to a Microsoft platform because he was impressed by the beta

version of Microsoft Windows NT 3.1. Although he has dabbled in other operating systems, Tony has since focused on Windows development in Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, C#, and Perl (for automation projects). for the .NET Framework.

Tony now develops almost exclusively Tony started writing in 1997 and has since published more than a dozen technology books on the topics of development and networking. In addition, Tony has written dozens of articles at http://www.microsoft.com, covering topics ranging from securing ASP.NET applications, to designing firewalls to protect etworks and computers.Tony spends his spare time hiking through the woods near his Phillipston, Massachu-setts home. He's rarely without his camera, and in the past six years has created what might be the largest and most popular publicly accessible database of nature and wildlife photographs on the Internet. Tony lives with his wife Erica and his cat (also

his favorite photographic subject) Sammy.


Get in-depth training and practice with the skills measured by the core exams for Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Windows Developer certification--all in one box! Covering exams 70-536, 70-526, and 70-548, these three training kits include exam prep and practice tests to help you maximize your performance. You get official Microsoft study guides, plus practice tests on CD to help you assess your skills. They come packed with the tools and features that exam candidates want most--including in-depth, self-paced training based on final exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified authors; and customizable testing options. They also provide labs and exercises for skills and expertise you can apply to the job. Work at your own pace through the lessons and hands-on exercises. Focusing on designing and developing Windows client applications, these official study guides cover topics such as Microsoft .NET Framework fundamentals; creating, configuring, deploying, and supporting applications; creating a UI for a Windows Forms application; developing Windows Forms controls; threading, instrumentation, and reflection; setting up and managing connections to databases; authentication, authorization, and user security; and, testing and stabilizing the application. Then assess yourself by using more than 900 practice and review questions on the CD, featuring multiple, customizable testing options to meet your specific needs. Choose timed or untimed testing mode, generate random tests, or focus on discrete objectives or chapters. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers--including pointers back to the book for further study. You also get a 90-day evaluation version of Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005 Professional Edition and an exam discount voucher--making this kit an exceptional value and a great career investment.



































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