
正版现货 挠场的科学+灵界的科学 2本合售 三采 李嗣涔 心灵书籍 繁体中文书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9789882370999
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2018-10
- 页数:388
- 价格:259.00
- 纸张:纯质纸
- 装帧:平装-胶订
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
In 648 CE, Tang imperial authorities collected every copy of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen) from the four corners of the empire and burned them. The formidable talismans at its core were said not only to extend their owners’ lifespan and protect against misfortune, but also propel them to stratospheric heights of power, elevating them to the rank of high minister or even emperor. Only two or three centuries earlier, this controversial text was unknown in most of China with the exception of Jiangnan in the south, where it was regarded as essential local lore. In the span of a few generations, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns would become the cornerstone of one of the three basic corpora of the Daoist Canon, a pillar of Daoism—and a perceived threat to the state.
This study, the only book-length treatment of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns in any language, traces the text’s transition from local tradition to empire-wide institutional religion. The volume begins by painting the social and historical backdrop against which the scripture emerged in early fourth century Jiangnan before turning to its textual history. It reflects on the work’s centerpiece artifacts, the potent talismans in celestial script, as well as other elements of its heritage, namely alchemical elixirs and “true form” diagrams. During the fifth and sixth centuries, with Daoism coalescing into a formal organized religion, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns took on a symbolic role as a liturgical token of initiation while retaining its straightforward language of sovereignty and strong political overtones, which eventually led to its prohibition. The writ endured, however, and later experienced a revival as its influence spread as far as Japan. Despite its central role in the development of institutional Daoism, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns has remained an understudied topic in Chinese history. Its fragmentary textual record combined with the esoteric nature of its content have shrouded it in speculation. This volume provides a lucid reconstruction of the text’s hidden history and enigmatic practices while shedding light on its contributions to the religious landscape of medieval China.
Series Editors’ Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
Conventions xiii
Introduction 1
Chapter One 17
e Writ in Early Medieval Southern China
Chapter Two 49
e Religious Life of Objects:
e Talismans of the Writ and eir Surviving Fragments
Chapter Three 83
Beyond Talismans:
Alchemy, Charts, and Meditation in Relation to the Writ
Chapter Four 121
From Local Lore to Universal Dao:
e Cavern of Divinity and the Early Daoist Canon
Chapter Five 155
e Writ and Its Corpus: e Rise and
Fall of the Cavern of Divinity in Institutional Daoism
Conclusion 193
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press: Copyrighted Materials
vi ︱ Contents
Appendix 1 215
List of Variant Titles for the Writ of the Three Sovereigns
(Sanhuang wen) in Early Medieval Sources
Appendix 2 219
Synopsis of the Principal Six Dynasties Sources Containing
Fragments of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen)
and Its Oral Instructions
Appendix 3 225
Comparative List of Talismans from the “Essential Instructions
from the Western Citadel on the Great Characters in Celestial
Script of the Three Sovereigns” (Xicheng yaojue sanhuang tianwen
dazi) and the “Essential functions of the ree Sovereigns”
(Sanhuang yaoyong pin)
Appendix 4 231
Comparative Inventory of Transmission Gages
Associated with the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen)
Notes 237
Works Cited 317
Index 355
Dominic Steavu is associate professor of Chinese religions and Chinese Buddhism at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
在线阅读地址:正版现货 挠场的科学+灵界的科学 2本合售 三采 李嗣涔 心灵书籍 繁体中文在线阅读
在线听书地址:正版现货 挠场的科学+灵界的科学 2本合售 三采 李嗣涔 心灵书籍 繁体中文在线收听
在线购买地址:正版现货 挠场的科学+灵界的科学 2本合售 三采 李嗣涔 心灵书籍 繁体中文在线购买
In 648 CE, Tang imperial authorities collected every copy of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen) from the four corners of the empire and burned them. The formidable talismans at its core were said not only to extend their owners’ lifespan and protect against misfortune, but also propel them to stratospheric heights of power, elevating them to the rank of high minister or even emperor. Only two or three centuries earlier, this controversial text was unknown in most of China with the exception of Jiangnan in the south, where it was regarded as essential local lore. In the span of a few generations, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns would become the cornerstone of one of the three basic corpora of the Daoist Canon, a pillar of Daoism—and a perceived threat to the state.
This study, the only book-length treatment of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns in any language, traces the text’s transition from local tradition to empire-wide institutional religion. The volume begins by painting the social and historical backdrop against which the scripture emerged in early fourth century Jiangnan before turning to its textual history. It reflects on the work’s centerpiece artifacts, the potent talismans in celestial script, as well as other elements of its heritage, namely alchemical elixirs and “true form” diagrams. During the fifth and sixth centuries, with Daoism coalescing into a formal organized religion, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns took on a symbolic role as a liturgical token of initiation while retaining its straightforward language of sovereignty and strong political overtones, which eventually led to its prohibition. The writ endured, however, and later experienced a revival as its influence spread as far as Japan. Despite its central role in the development of institutional Daoism, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns has remained an understudied topic in Chinese history. Its fragmentary textual record combined with the esoteric nature of its content have shrouded it in speculation. This volume provides a lucid reconstruction of the text’s hidden history and enigmatic practices while shedding light on its contributions to the religious landscape of medieval China.
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