
The Price Advantage, Second Edition 9780470481776 下载 mobi lrf 网盘 pdf snb kindle 115盘



The Price Advantage, Second Edition 9780470481776书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470481776
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-06
  • 页数:366
  • 价格:545.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


A comprehensive look at creating pricing strategies that work

in both good economic times and bad Written by three preeminent

pricing experts at McKinsey and Company, the "Second Edition "of"

The Price Advantage" is a practical pricing guide for the executive

or pricing practitioner who wants to identify, capture, and sustain

substantial pricing gains in their business. Pricing is by far the

most powerful profit lever that managers can influence. Yet few

companies approach pricing in a way that fully capitalizes on its

value. This "Second Edition," a major revision and extension of the

first book, " "shows you what it takes to achieve "the price

advantage" in today's competitive and complex business

environments. Based on in-depth, first-hand experience with

thousands of companies, this book provides managers with a

pragmatic guide through the maze of pricing issues. It reinforces

why pricing excellence is more critical than ever today and then

explains state-of-the-art approaches to analyzing and improving

your own pricing strategy and execution. Explores the fundamental

role of pricing infrastructure in achieving "the price advantage"

Includes new topics such as software and information products

pricing, lifecycle pricing, custom-configured products pricing,

pricing of high-count product lines, pricing in distributed sales

environments, "razor/razor blades" pricing, and tiered products and

services pricing Revisits the full range of classic McKinsey

pricing tools, including the pocket price waterfall and value maps

Engaging and informative, the "Second Edition "of" The Price

Advantage" will put this essential discipline in perspective.


Preface. Acknowledgments. PART ONE: Pricing Fundamentals.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction. The Power of 1 Percent. The Price/Volume

Tradeoff. Market Forces Add Pressure. The Nobility of Pricing

Excellence. Why the Price Advantage Is So Rare. CHAPTER 2:

Components of Pricing Excellence. An Integrated Approach. An

Interdependent Hierarchy. Applying to Your Company-Pinpointing the

Opportunity. PART TWO: Exploring the Levels. CHAPTER 3:

Transactions. The Pocket Price Waterfall. The Pocket Price Band.

The Soundco Radio Company Case. Pocket Margin Waterfall and Band.

Alen Glass Company Case. CHAPTER 4: Customer Value. Mapping Value.

Creating a Value Map. Making Moves on the Value Map. Putting

Customers on the Value Map. Value Profiling. CHAPTER 5: Market

Strategy. Profiting from Better Price Predictions. Planning for an

Expected Price Change. Maintaining Optimal Production and Capacity.

Improving Pricing Conduct. Influencing the Elements of Pricing

Conduct. A Word on Followership. CHAPTER 6: Pricing Infrastructure.

Processes-What Are the Most Critical Types of Pricing Decisions for

Your Business? Organization-Who Is Running the Pricing Profit

Center? Performance Management-How Should We Recognize and Reward

Pricing Performance? Systems and Tools-No Magic Bullet Exists. PART

THREE: Unique Events. CHAPTER 7: Postmerger Pricing. A Temporary

Window of Opportunity. Tremendous Opportunities at Each Pricing

Level. Avoiding Common Postmerger Traps. Antitrust Laws. CHAPTER 8:

Price Wars. Why Price Wars Should Be Avoided. What Really Causes

Price Wars. Staying Out of Price Wars. Getting Out of Price Wars.

When a Price War Might Make Sense. PART FOUR: Expanding the

Boundaries. CHAPTER 9: Legal Degrees of Freedom. Pricing Decisions

That Raise Red Flags. Minimizing Risks While Meeting Pricing

Objectives. Calling in the Attorneys. CHAPTER 10: Lifecycle

Pricing. What Makes Lifecycle Pricing Tough. The Three Phases of

Product Lifecycle Pricing. Sustaining Returns Across the Lifecycle.

CHAPTER 11: Pricing Architecture. Managing Price Perception.

Influencing Customer Behavior. Price Architecture Based on Supplier

Role. PART FIVE: Advanced Topics. CHAPTER 12: Complexity

Management. Section One: Custom-Configured Products. Section Two:

High-Count Product Lines. Section Three: Distributed Sales Models.

CHAPTER 13: Tailored Value. Section One: Price Segmentation.

Section Two: Tiered Products and Services. Section Three: New

Products. Section Four: "Razor/Razor Blades" Offerings. Section

Five: Solutions. CHAPTER 14: Software and Information Products.

Unique Characteristics That Impact Pricing. Exploring the Elements

of Pricing. PART SIX: Making Change Happen. CHAPTER 15: Pricing

Transformation. Designing a Clear Change Program. Accelerating and

Embedding Change. CHAPTER 16: The Monnarch Battery Case. The

Monnarch Battery Company. Transactions. Customer Value. Market

Strategy. Capturing the Monnarch Pricing Opportunity. Hard-Wiring

the Change. Epilogue. APPENDIX 1: Pocket Price and Pocket Margin

Waterfalls. APPENDIX 2: Antitrust Issues. U.S. Pricing Law. EU

Pricing Law. Antitrust Information Sources. APPENDIX 3: List of

Acronyms and Abbreviations. APPENDIX 4: About the Web-Based Tool:

Periscope. About the Authors. Index.


WALTER L. BAKER is a partner in the Atlanta office of the

international consulting firm of McKinsey & Company. Since

joining McKinsey in 1998, he has worked with clients across

multiple industries in the areas of pricing, sales, marketing, and

strategy. With particular focus on the technology and industrial

sectors, he has authored articles on pricing in CMO magazine, the

McKinsey Quarterly, and the Harvard Business Review. MICHAEL V.

MARN is a partner in the Cleveland office of McKinsey &

Company. He joined McKinsey in 1977 and has developed some of the

most widely used analytic approaches for identifying and capturing

opportunities in pricing. He has written articles on pricing that

have appeared in publications including the Wall Street Journal,

the New York Times, and the Harvard Business Review. CRAIG C.

ZAWADA is a partner in the Calgary office of McKinsey &

Company. Since joining McKinsey in 1997, he has worked with

companies across multiple industries, helping them to identify and

capture improvements in pricing. He is widely published in the area

of pricing strategy, with articles appearing in the Harvard

Business Review, Mergers & Acquisitions, and the McKinsey







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A comprehensive look at creating pricing strategies that work in both good economic times and bad Written by three preeminent pricing experts at McKinsey and Company, the "Second Edition "of" The Price Advantage" is a practical pricing guide for the executive or pricing practitioner who wants to identify, capture, and sustain substantial pricing gains in their business. Pricing is by far the most powerful profit lever that managers can influence. Yet few companies approach pricing in a way that fully capitalizes on its value. This "Second Edition," a major revision and extension of the first book, " "shows you what it takes to achieve "the price advantage" in today's competitive and complex business environments. Based on in-depth, first-hand experience with thousands of companies, this book provides managers with a pragmatic guide through the maze of pricing issues. It reinforces why pricing excellence is more critical than ever today and then explains state-of-the-art approaches to analyzing and improving your own pricing strategy and execution. Explores the fundamental role of pricing infrastructure in achieving "the price advantage" Includes new topics such as software and information products pricing, lifecycle pricing, custom-configured products pricing, pricing of high-count product lines, pricing in distributed sales environments, "razor/razor blades" pricing, and tiered products and services pricing Revisits the full range of classic McKinsey pricing tools, including the pocket price waterfall and value maps Engaging and informative, the "Second Edition "of" The Price Advantage" will put this essential discipline in perspective.



































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