
Selling Luxury: Connect With Affluent Customers, Create Unique Experiences Through Impeccable Service, And Close The Sale9780470457993 下载 mobi lrf 网盘 pdf snb kindle 115盘



Selling Luxury: Connect With Affluent Customers, Create Unique Experiences Through Impeccable Service, And Close The Sale9780470457993书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470457993
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-06
  • 页数:176
  • 价格:178.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  Praise for "Selling Luxury" "Genevieve and Robin have brought

together their talents to create a book that gives all Sales

Ambassadors the fundamentals in selling and building customer

loyalty." --Hamida Belkadi, CEO, De Beers Diamond Jewellers, USA

"Selling Luxury is filled with ways of exceeding each client's

expectations through offering a service that surprises and

delights." --Aaron Simpson, Group Executive Chairman,

Quintessentiall What does it take to sell high-end luxury creations

to the richest clients in the world?

In "Selling Luxury," Robin Lent and Genevieve Tour, with thirty

years of combined experience, share their savoir-faire. You'll also

pick up tips from multi-million dollar luxury sales professionals

who will help you understand the complexities of the universe of

luxury. "Selling Luxury" will show you how a salesperson can

acquire Sales Ambassador status by offering the impeccable service

associated with the world's most prestigious brands.


Foreword by Alain-Dominique Perrin



Part One: Initial Thoughts

1 The Vital Role of the Sales Ambassador

2 In the eyes of the customer, the Sales Ambassador is the


3 Loyalty begins with the fi rst contact

4 Keep in mind how you like to be treated

5 There are customers behind customers

6 The incredible loss from one lost customer

7 The emotional side of the purchase

8 The island vacation or the earrings? 9 The price is only one of

the factors

10 The "Wow" comes when you go beyond expectations

11 Discretion and confi dentiality

Part Two: The Frame of Mind of the Sales Ambassador

12 Be a person before being a Sales Ambassador

13 Turn every contact into an experience

14 Get inside the customer's story

15 Congratulate customers

16 Compliment your customers

17 Every complaint is an opportunity

18 The other competitor

19 Service costs nothing

20 The great danger of prejudices and preconceived ideas

21 Work as a team player

22 Relationships and mistakes

Part Three: The Savoir-Faire of the Sales Ambassador

23 The successful selling style

24 Life is a celebration

25 Use each contact to inform and educate

26 The power of timing

27 Time is a precious sales tool

28 The art of using silence

29 Music as a metaphor for selling

30 Select the words you use carefully

31 Tones, rhythms, and volumes

32 The competition, your customers, and your advantages

33 Personalize your service

34 Pleasure comes from consistency

35 Maintain your energy

36 Make someone's day

37 Each telephone contact is another opportunity

38 Analyze the sale you made

39 Analyze the situation when the customer did not buy

Part Four: Preparing to Sell

40 The impact of the right atmosphere on customers

41 Luxury is in the details

42 Keep the service level up even when things are busy

43 Prepare your selling tools

44 Know what you have in stock

45 Learn how each creation was crafted

46 Know what is happening in your city

Part Five: Welcoming and Discovering the Customer

47 A greeting needs a smile

48 Your body language speaks louder than words

49 Listening with your eyes

50 The importance of discovery

51 The gift purchase

52 The power of questions (quality over quantity)

53 Be a careful listener

54 Find out how your customer feels about your brand

55 Make statements to obtain information

56 Introduce yourself

57 "Just looking"

58 The art and importance of reformulation

Part Six: Proposing, Romancing, and Handling Objections

59 Keep your proposals simple

60 Create curiosity

61 Handle everything you sell as a precious object

62 Position the offer

63 Make clever use of the light

64 Romance your creations to enhance the emotions

65 Storytelling

66 Invite the customer to try on the model

67 "Wrap" the price as if it were a gift

68 The art of exploring "Let me think about it"

69 Prepare for dealing with objections

Part Seven: Concluding and Making Additional Sales

70 Be aware of buying signals

71 Tips to conclude

72 Suggest the best solution

73 The importance of reassuring when concluding

74 "Picture" the purchase

75 Advise customers about maintaining their purchase

76 Suggest ways of offering a gift

77 The additional sale

Part Eight: Building Customer Loyalty

78 Loyalty comes from offering gifts linked to the purchase

79 Offer two business cards

80 Make a good last impression

81 Every departure is a preparation for another visit

82 Loyalty comes from remembering your customers

83 The database is an essential tool

84 Celebrate the newborn

85 Build loyalty by staying in touch

86 Ask for a referral

87 Customer after-sales service and the broken dream

88 The ideal after-sales service scenario

Outcomes of the Eight Stories




  Robin Lent is Senior Consultant at AC3, a Paris-based company

that specializes in training and communications. Robin has been

working for eighteen years in the field of luxury. He can be

reached at robin@ac3.fr. Genevieve Tour is a Training Consultant at

Cartier and a luxury specialist. She has spent many years as a

Sales Ambassador in the United States and France. Genevieve has an

MBA in luxury brands and twenty years of experience in marketing

and communications. She can be reached at







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  Selling high-end luxury creations requires a different set of

skills than does traditional selling. Clients have high

expectations for the service they receive and base their purchasing

decisions more on emotion and desire than practical need. Whether

you are selling diamond bracelets or sports cars, the key to

concluding the sale lies in how well you sell rather than what you

sell. In "Selling Luxury," Robin Lent and Genevieve Tour explore

every component of luxury sales and offer proven, practical

strategies for connecting with customers. Rather than sales

associates, the luxury market calls for "Sales Ambassadors" who

represent the brand with distinction. Sales Ambassadors understand

how to connect with customers by discovering their unique

moti-vational desires. This requires a multitude of specialized

skills: passion, perseverance, empathy, daring, and curiosity.

Through personalized service each and every time, Sales Ambassadors

are able to build trust, brand loyalty, and lasting customer

relationships. If you want to succeed in the luxury sales universe,

"Selling Luxury" is for you. You'll pick up the skills and

approaches that work everyday in a multitude of situations. You'll

learn how to: Connect emotionally with customers Exceed your

customers' expectations Turn every customer contact into a brand

experience Personalize your customer service Learn about customers

through observing and discovery Create the desire to purchase Deal

positively with customer objections Build a relationship of trust

and brand loyalty The universe of luxury is no place for

traditional hard-sell tactics. Instead, you have to subtly adapt to

your customer in a deeper way. Doing so takes a truly personal

touch. "Selling Luxury" shows you how to develop these skills and

make them a key part of your own unique selling style.


Praise for "Selling Luxury" "Genevieve and Robin have brought together their talents to create a book that gives all Sales Ambassadors the fundamentals in selling and building customer loyalty." --Hamida Belkadi, CEO, De Beers Diamond Jewellers, USA "Selling Luxury is filled with ways of exceeding each client's expectations through offering a service that surprises and delights." --Aaron Simpson, Group Executive Chairman, Quintessentiall What does it take to sell high-end luxury creations to the richest clients in the world? In "Selling Luxury," Robin Lent and Genevieve Tour, with thirty years of combined experience, share their savoir-faire. You'll also pick up tips from multi-million dollar luxury sales professionals who will help you understand the complexities of the universe of luxury. "Selling Luxury" will show you how a salesperson can acquire Sales Ambassador status by offering the impeccable service associated with the world's most prestigious brands.



































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