
中国至2050年油气资源科技发展路线图(英文版) Guangding Liu , Changchun Yang , Tianyao Hao等 编 下载 mobi lrf 网盘 pdf snb kindle 115盘



中国至2050年油气资源科技发展路线图(英文版) Guangding Liu , Changchun Yang , Tianyao Hao等 编书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787030272638
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-06
  • 页数:110
  • 价格:81.60
  • 纸张:轻型纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分




《中国至2050年油气资源科技发展路线图(英文版)》内容简介:As one of the eighteen field-specific reports comprising the comprehensive scope of the strategic general report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this sub-report addresses long-range planning for developing science and technology in the field of oil and gas resources. They each craft a roadmap for their sphere of development to 2050. In their entirety, the general and sub-group reports analyze the evolution and laws governing the development of science and technology, describe the decisive impact of science and technology on the modernization process, predict that the world is on the eve of an impending S&T revolution, and call for China to be fully prepared for this new round of S&T advancement. Based on the detailed study of the demands on S&T innovation in Chinas modernization, the reports draw a framework for eight basic and strategic systems of socio-economic development with the support of science and technology, work out Chinas S&T roadmaps for the relevant eight basic and strategic systems in line with Chinas reality, further detail S&T initiatives of strategic importance to Chinas modernization, and provide S&T decision-makers with comprehensive consultations for the development of S&T innovation consistent with Chinas reality. Supported by illustrations and tables of data, the reports provide researchers, government offis and entrepreneurs with guidance concerning research directions, the planning process, and investment. Founded in 1949, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the nation's highest academic institution in natural sciences. Its major responsibilities are to conduct research in basic and technological sciences, to undertake nationwide integrated surveys on natural resources and ecological environment, to provide the country with scientific data and consultations for government's decision-making, to undertake government-assigned projects with regard to key S&T problems in the process of socio-economic development, to initiate personnel training, and to promote Chinas high-tech enterprises through its active engagement in these areas.



1 Requirement and Present Situation of the Oil and Gas Resources in China

1.1 Oil and gas resource demand

1.2 Oil and gas resources and potential

1.3 Development of our oil and gas resources exploration

1.4 Influence and position of oil and gas science and technology development in oil and gas resources

1.5 The trend of science and technology development in oil and gas resource field

2 Main Fields of Oil and Gas Exploration and Problems

2.1 Continental basin

2.2 Precenozoic marine carbonate rock layer system

2.3 Deep basin in sea area

2.4 Unconventional oil and gas reservoir

2.5 Oil and gas development

2.6 Instruments and equipments

3 Prediction of Development Objectives in Scientific Field on Oil and Gas Resource in the Future

3.1 Overall deion to scientific roadmap in oil and gas resourcefield to 2050

3.2 Theories of formation and evolution of oil and gas

3.3 Effective exploration of oil and gas resources

3.4 Effective development of oil and gas resources

3.5 Instruments and equipment for exploitation and development of oil and gas

4 Primary Scientific Research Orientations in Terms of Oil and Gas Resources by Chinese Academy of Sciences

4.1 Tectonic evolution and marine oil and gas resources in China

4.2 Research for oil and gas resources in Pre-Cenozoic marine residual basin

4.3 The control of global climate evolution to development hydrocarbon source rocks since the Mesozoic-Cenozoic

4.4 Basin deep fluid-rock interaction and quality reservoir formation mechanism

4.5 Geophysical response characteristics of oil and gas reservoir and high-precision forecast techniques

4.6 Techniques for enhancing oil and gas recovery

4.7 High-density and wireless transmitted seismic acquisition system on basis of MEMS sensor

4.8 Parallel computing technology of massive data processing and simulation of large-scale oil and gas reservoir

5 The Construction of Chinese Oil and Gas Science and Technology Innovation System

5.1 General foreign policies and measures

5.2 Improving the oil and gas science and technology innovation system and improving the oil and gas science and technology capability of independent innovation"






    2.4.8 Igneous reservoir


It has been about 100 years of igneous reservoir exploration since theigneous reservoir was found in Mexico Paleogene in 1907. A lot of igneousreservoirs have been found on the earth. This can be divided into four stages: "aforbidden zone people tried to avoid, confusion caused by discovery by chance,wandering of tentative exploration and objective actively searched for".


So far, it has been proved through exploration that the igneous reservoirhas the characteristics of high yield, stable yield and a certain reserve scale andis the new field and direction for future oil and gas exploration. For example, theopen-flow capacity of Xushen No. 1 Well and Shenshen No. 2 Well of SongliaoBasin reaches 1 million m3 and Shengshen No. 2 Well has stable yield for 7consecutive years; the open-flow capacity of Changshen No. 1 Well of ChanglingOil Field reaches 1 million m3; the single well yield of 1808 well of Basalt OilField, carboniferous, Karamay is 53.2t/d, the single well yield of 1809 well is 30.6t/dand the reserve volume is 100.41 million t; the single well yield of No. 1 wellof Zhougongshan Gas Field in Sichuan Basin is 25.6*104m3/d. All of the aboveshows the great potential of igneous reservoir. Meanwhile, it also shows that weshould consider igneous reservoir in dialectically.


The igneous reservoir in China includes eruptive rock, irruptive rock andvolcanoclastic rock, from basic to acid. With huge time span and depth fromseveral hundred meters to 4,000m, characterized in late stage. Non-vibrationgeophysical techniques such as weight, magnet and electricity play an activerole in exploration of igneous reservoir. However, the relationship betweenmagmatic activity and hydrocarbon generation needs further research. ……


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在线听书地址:中国至2050年油气资源科技发展路线图(英文版) Guangding Liu , Changchun Yang , Tianyao Hao等 编在线收听

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    2.4.8 Igneous reservoir

    It has been about 100 years of igneous reservoir exploration since theigneous reservoir was found in Mexico Paleogene in 1907. A lot of igneousreservoirs have been found on the earth. This can be divided into four stages: "aforbidden zone people tried to avoid, confusion caused by discovery by chance,wandering of tentative exploration and objective actively searched for".

    So far, it has been proved through exploration that the igneous reservoirhas the characteristics of high yield, stable yield and a certain reserve scale andis the new field and direction for future oil and gas exploration. For example, theopen-flow capacity of Xushen No. 1 Well and Shenshen No. 2 Well of SongliaoBasin reaches 1 million m3 and Shengshen No. 2 Well has stable yield for 7consecutive years; the open-flow capacity of Changshen No. 1 Well of ChanglingOil Field reaches 1 million m3; the single well yield of 1808 well of Basalt OilField, carboniferous, Karamay is 53.2t/d, the single well yield of 1809 well is 30.6t/dand the reserve volume is 100.41 million t; the single well yield of No. 1 wellof Zhougongshan Gas Field in Sichuan Basin is 25.6*104m3/d. All of the aboveshows the great potential of igneous reservoir. Meanwhile, it also shows that weshould consider igneous reservoir in dialectically.

    The igneous reservoir in China includes eruptive rock, irruptive rock andvolcanoclastic rock, from basic to acid. With huge time span and depth fromseveral hundred meters to 4,000m, characterized in late stage. Non-vibrationgeophysical techniques such as weight, magnet and electricity play an activerole in exploration of igneous reservoir. However, the relationship betweenmagmatic activity and hydrocarbon generation needs further research. ……




《中国至2050年油气资源科技发展路线图(英文版)》内容简介:As one of the eighteen field-specific reports comprising the comprehensive scope of the strategic general report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this sub-report addresses long-range planning for developing science and technology in the field of oil and gas resources. They each craft a roadmap for their sphere of development to 2050. In their entirety, the general and sub-group reports analyze the evolution and laws governing the development of science and technology, describe the decisive impact of science and technology on the modernization process, predict that the world is on the eve of an impending S&T revolution, and call for China to be fully prepared for this new round of S&T advancement. Based on the detailed study of the demands on S&T innovation in Chinas modernization, the reports draw a framework for eight basic and strategic systems of socio-economic development with the support of science and technology, work out Chinas S&T roadmaps for the relevant eight basic and strategic systems in line with Chinas reality, further detail S&T initiatives of strategic importance to Chinas modernization, and provide S&T decision-makers with comprehensive consultations for the development of S&T innovation consistent with Chinas reality. Supported by illustrations and tables of data, the reports provide researchers, government officials and entrepreneurs with guidance concerning research directions, the planning process, and investment. Founded in 1949, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the nation's highest academic institution in natural sciences. Its major responsibilities are to conduct research in basic and technological sciences, to undertake nationwide integrated surveys on natural resources and ecological environment, to provide the country with scientific data and consultations for government's decision-making, to undertake government-assigned projects with regard to key S&T problems in the process of socio-economic development, to initiate personnel training, and to promote Chinas high-tech enterprises through its active engagement in these areas.



































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1本文:中国至2050年油气资源科技发展路线图(英文版) Guangding Liu , Changchun Yang , Tianyao Hao等 编转载请注明出处。



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