
BRAND YOU50 (REINVENTING WORK)(ISBN=9780375407727)书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780375407727
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:1999-09
- 页数:224
- 价格:99.00
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:精装
- 开本:32开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
Michael Goldhaber, writing in Wired, said, "If there is
nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply
yourself you won't get noticed and that increasingly means you
won't get paid much either. In times past you could be obscure yet
secure -- now that's much harder."
Again: the white collar job as now configured is doomed. Soon.
("Downsizing" in the nineties will look like small change.) So
what's the trick? There's only one: distinction. Or as we call it,
turning yourself into a brand . . . Brand You.
A brand is nothing more than a sign of distinction. Right? Nike.
Starbucks. Martha Stewart. The point (again): that's not the way
we've thought about white collar workers--ourselves--over the past
century. The "bureaucrat" on the finance staff is de facto
faceless, plugging away, passing papers.
But now, in our view, she is born again, transformed from
bureaucrat to the new star. She works in a professional service
firm and works on projects that she'll be able to brag about years
from now.
I call her/him the New American Professional, CEO of Me Inc. (even
if Me Inc. is currently on someone's payroll) and, of course, of
Brand You.
Step #1 in the model was the organization . . .a department turned
into PSF 1.0. Step #2 is the individual . . .reborn as Brand
In 50 essential points, Tom Peters shows how to be committed to
your craft, choose the right projects, how to improve networking,
why you need to think fun is cool, and why it's important to piss
some people off. He will enable you to turn yourself into an
important and distinctive commodity. In short, he will show you how
to turn yourself into . . . Brand You.
See also the other 50List titles in the Reinventing Work series
by Tom Peters -- The Project50 and The Professional
Service Firm50 -- for additional information on how to make an
impact in the professional world.
Tom Peters continues to be in constant demand for lectures and
seminars. In addition to researching and writing his books, he
travels more widely than ever to monitor and observe the business
environment worldwide. The founder of the Tom Peters Group in Palo
Alto, California, he lives mostly on American Airlines, or with his
family on a farm in Vermont or an island off the Massachusetts
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Technology is changing almost everything. Management guru Tom
Peters argues it's also going to change the entire landscape of
work. In his set of self-help books for professionals, the
Reinventing Work series, he declares that "90-plus percent of
white-collar jobs will disappear."
Downsizing ain't over, but Peters claims he can help you through
The employment landscape is going to be full of "free agents,"
he says, and if these newly "freed" individuals want to succeed,
they'll need a new approach to their jobs. One way is by
approaching work as a set of projects. Find out what's most
interesting about each project and thrive on that, Peters
In his latest publishing project, Peters urges readers to forget
about loyalty to a particular company and replace it with a
self-motivated dedication to the work at hand.
The entire book series has the feel of something transcribed
from one of Peters' motivational speeches; his use of bold letters,
ellipses, exclamation points and oversize type is perhaps a better
fit with the lecture circuit than the publishing world.
Knopf plans five books in the Reinventing Work series, but for
now, there are three:
The Brand You, The Project
Professional Service Firm.
Each of the pocket-size hardbacks starts with a de*ion of
an unemployed, Dilbert-ized landscape, followed by 50 ways to
sidestep such a fate. In
The Brand You,
the list of 50 ideas
includes a chapter titled "'Inc.' Yourself." After a comment on the
concept, Peters launches into The Nub, his plan for making the
affirmations take flight. The idea is to visualize yourself as a
company - with departments, goals, bottom lines, branding. The
chapters close with a Thing to Do section. In this case, it's two
things: adding an "Inc." to your name, and treating every to-do
list like you're preparing for the next quarterly board
By turning everyday work into interesting and inspiring
projects, Peters believes workers will become self-motivated,
completed projects will become more innovative and companies will
become less stagnant.
Peters constantly reassures readers that they are worthy of
independence. Anyone can follow the path to success, he encourages,
although he tempers his enthusiasm with comments like, "I'm not
living in dreamland. I know not everyone can be a superstar."
The free-agent concept applies particularly well to the online
industry, where companies must grow quickly to have more than a
slim chance of succeeding. In a free-agent world, workers aren't
disappointed when their company tanks, but instead move on to the
next project. In fact, the rampant job-hopping in the Internet
Economy has been one of the original drivers of the free-agent
workforce. Establishing a reputation, networking and positioning
one's easily digestible brand: That's perfect for the Net.
If you're looking for rose-colored lenses for your job, Peters
has what you need. This self-help series is mostly about making
work fun, which isn't a bad idea, after all.
- Laura Rich
From The Industry Standard
Michael Goldhaber, writing in Wired, said, "If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself you won't get noticed and that increasingly means you won't get paid much either. In times past you could be obscure yet secure -- now that's much harder."
Again: the white collar job as now configured is doomed. Soon. ("Downsizing" in the nineties will look like small change.) So what's the trick? There's only one: distinction. Or as we call it, turning yourself into a brand . . . Brand You.
A brand is nothing more than a sign of distinction. Right? Nike. Starbucks. Martha Stewart. The point (again): that's not the way we've thought about white collar workers--ourselves--over the past century. The "bureaucrat" on the finance staff is de facto faceless, plugging away, passing papers.
But now, in our view, she is born again, transformed from bureaucrat to the new star. She works in a professional service firm and works on projects that she'll be able to brag about years from now.
I call her/him the New American Professional, CEO of Me Inc. (even if Me Inc. is currently on someone's payroll) and, of course, of Brand You.
Step #1 in the model was the organization . . .a department turned into PSF 1.0. Step #2 is the individual . . .reborn as Brand You.
In 50 essential points, Tom Peters shows how to be committed to your craft, choose the right projects, how to improve networking, why you need to think fun is cool, and why it's important to piss some people off. He will enable you to turn yourself into an important and distinctive commodity. In short, he will show you how to turn yourself into . . . Brand You.
See also the other 50List titles in the Reinventing Work series by Tom Peters -- The Project50 and The Professional Service Firm50 -- for additional information on how to make an impact in the professional world.
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